Guild Points


Each Guild member scores 100 guild points for every day they play their Guild game. However they also lose 1% of their Guild points each day no matter what, so he can reach a maximum of 10,000 points! Guild office holders receive a small bonus, they score 101 points for every day they play their Guild game, up to a maximum of 10,100 points.


Depending on total points the following ranks are applicable:

  • Rank 0: New Guild Member (Neuling) < 1,500 points.
  • Rank 1: Guild Novice (Initiat) from 1,500 to 3,500 points.
  • Rank 2: Guild Brother/Sister (bruder/schwester) from 3500 to 5500 points.
  • Rank 3: Guild Scholar (Schreiber) from 5500 to 7500 points.
  • Rank 4:Guild Master (Gildeneingeweihte/r)from 7,500 to 9,500 points. This rank is limited to the first 20% of all Guild members. If more than 20% fulfill these conditions, then only the top 20% with most points are eligable.
  • Rank 5: Guild Elder (Gildenältester) from 9,500 points. This rank is limited to the first 10% of all Guild members. If more than 10% fulfill these conditions, then only the top 10% with most points are eligable.

The commands available for each rank are described under Guild Commands.