Guild commands

Listed here are the Guild commands.

Commands for all users

Indicates the five possible Guilds which you can join. More details can be found at Player Info.
/accedeguild GAMENAME
Use this command to join a guild. You must however use the command '/possibleguilds' first to see which guilds you are eligable to join.
/guildroom GAMENAME
This command takes you to the Guildhouse of the game submitted. Alternatively you can enter the game ID or number.

Commands for All Guild Members

With this command you can leave your guild (cost 20 taler)
/candidate guild yes|no
This instruction activates/deactivates their candidacy for Guild Leadership positions.
/setstatement TEXT
You initiate a (critical) comment upon the guild master after which a voting takes place. But be careful, if more guild members vote in favor of him than of you, you loose all your influence!
You express distrust in the capabilities of your current guild master.
More detailed explanations about these commands can be found at Guild Commands

Commands depending on Guild Rank

New Member (Rank 0) - Neuling

/add guild NAME
You can add a person to you personal Guild list.
/delete guild NAME
You can remove a person from you personal Guild list.
/list guild
This shows everyone in your personal Guild list.
Lists all members of your personal Guild list, who are currently on line.

Guild Novice (Rank 1) - Gildeninitiat

This function lists all the games rooms which have the Guild's game in play.

Guild Brother/Sister (Rank 2) - Gildenbruder/schwester

/setwappen on
This function lets you attach your Guild symbol to your info.

Guild Scholar (Rank 3) - Gildenschreiber

/setresiwappen on
This function lets you use your city and guild symbol on your house.

Guild Knight (Rank 4) - Gildeneingeweihte

/anti// on
This command makes the command // used by others as ineffective (see Commands for Tutors).

Guild Elder (Rank 5)

This command lets you shout to all the Guild's Game Rooms.

Commands for the Guild Master

/assignguild NAME Role
Appoint your Teacher (Lehrmeister) or Tournament master (Turniermeister) .
/guildurl URL
Set the guild's URL which will appear on the guild information page in the web.
Abzgl. 10 % Steuern kannst du als Gildenmeister einer Stadt Geld überweisen (Maximum 10000 Taler/Tag).
Beispiel: /support 135 1111 - Damit spendet die Gilde der Stadt C135 1000 Taler netto (10% gehen ja ab).
The Guildmaster authorizes the city he is currently in to build their guild's Guildhouse. If the Guildhouse is being built in a different city than it was in, the old Guildhouse is removed.
/elovisible on|off
Permits or denies the viewing of the ELO ratings for guild.
/setstatement TEXT
The Guild Master uses this command to answer questions of criticism.
/yell 6 TEXT
You can yell through the hole world with a volume of 6. This will cost the guild 0,5 % of it's total cash.

Commands for the Tournament Master

/startlottery Duration Amount
Start a lottery. Its duration can be 3 to 7 days. The prize money can be anything from 500 to 5000 Taler. (e.g. /startlottery 3500)
Example: /startlottery 3 500
Draw a lottery winner ticket.
/schiri NAME
The tournament master appoints a player to be referee. (They can also appoint themselves.)
/schiri NAME on|off|switch
Hiermit kann ein Turniermeister den Schiedsrichterstatus temporär ändern.

Commands for Referees

The following commands can be implemented only by referees. Referees have special powers in tournament rooms.

/newroom GAME turnier
Opens een new tournament room.
/listroom turnier |GAMENAME
Listet alle nicht leeren Turnierräume des entsprechendes Spiels auf (dieser Befehl ist nicht auf Schiedsrichter beschränkt).
/turnier LEVEL
The tournament master or a referee define a tournament's level.
/tname NAME
The tournament master or a referee define a tournament's name.
/turl URL
The tournament master or a referee set a tournament's webpage.
/tstart A-Z option1[:Value],option2[Value],[...]
With these instruction several tournament areas can be started at the same time.
A-Z gives the room numbers excluding the prefix (e.g. use 1 for T1). You can also set the game options.
In order to deactivate certain game options, you can use an exclaimation mark!
Example: !ritter
The complete instruction for ten tournament areas (T1-T10) with the options “tournament” ,without “knights” would look like:
Example: /tstart 1-10 turnier,result:Siedler-Ergebnisse,!ritter
/ooption A-Z Option1[:value],Option2 [value],[...]
These commands are used for setting BSWS games; See the /tstart function.
It's also possible to pin the options; it suffices to write the name in capital letters then.
Example of Siedler with the option of turnier pinned: /ooption 1-10 TURNIER
/toption A-Z Option1[:Wert],Option2 [Wert],[...]
Tournament rooms can be set with this command. It is similar to the command /ooption.