In Sauscharf you first collect chili cards and then prepare sauces with them. The sharper a chilisauce is, the more win points it brings. The game ends as soon as at least one of you has prepared the specified number of chilisaucen and has no chili cards anymore. Who then has most win points wins the game!
The complete rules can be found here download.
You can choose between 3 levels of difficulty (Mild - Scharf - Sauscharf) - depending on the number of handcards and the degree of sharpness of the chilisaucen varies.
There are 104 number cards with the values of 1 - 13 (each 8) and 6 jokers, and 22 chilisaucen cards in the sharpnesses 2 - 9.
At the beginning, the card lining is filled up by the draw-up stack in such a way that equal card values are in one column (maximum 3 - otherwise a new column is opened). Evtl. uncovered jokers always lie individually in a column.
You start playing chili cards from your hand every round. These determine the train order for the rest of the round.
The starter plays a combination of by clicking the corresponding cards and the arrow. A combination consists of any or more hand cards with the same value. The others follow clockwise and also play a combination.
Joker take the value of the cards with which you play them together. If you make jokers without number cards, they are higher than any other single value.
Whoever played most cards first comes to the train. If several of you have played the same number of cards, the higher value decides. If card number and value are identical, the first played combination is higher.
Who is on the train takes all the cards of a column from the lining and puts them on its ingredients stack. You can also pass and do not take a card ("Click Pass" icon).
After that you decide whether you want to retain your played combination or not. If so, she is also placed under cover on the ingredient stack. Otherwise, it comes to the storage stack.
You can watch the cards in your ingredients stack at any time by clicking on the stack.
Then the one with the next higher combination comes to the row.
After each one of you was on the train, the round ends. For the next round, the empty columns of the card template are refilled.
That's how they play rounds until nobody has more cards on their hands. Then phase 1.
At the beginning of phase 2, chilisaucen cards are exposed (more and more than 2 players).
The cards from the ingredient stack from Phase 1 become the new handcards.
Also in this phase, at the beginning of each round, you will determine your train sequence by playing out a combination.
Who is on the train can either collect as in Phase1 Chilis or decide to prepare a chilli sauce
How many win points a chilisauce brings, you can see on the right side of the sauce leaf.
The left area of each sauce shows the degree of sharpness. This indicates how many identical chili cards you have to play at least when determining the train order to prepare the sauce.
If you prepare a chilisauce, you have to put all chili cards of the previously played combination on the stack and get the corresponding chilisaucen card for this.
Special action:
In phase 2, you can decide not to play a combination (by clicking on the "play" icon).
This means that you do not collect chilis or prepare sauces in this round. Instead, you take the entire stack of ingredients.
Together with the handcards you have all your chili cards available in the next round.
After each has finished its train, the empty columns of the card tray are filled and the previously taken chilisaucen in the tray is replaced by new ones.
If you don't have handcards anymore, pick up your ingredients for the next round.
As usual, a new round begins by playing combinations.
The end of the game is harassed as soon as someone has prepared the required number of chilisaucen and has neither chilicards on the hand nor in the ingredient stack.
Depending on how many people participate in the game and what degree of difficulty they play, the number of required sauces varies.
Important: You should not prepare chilisaucen more than indicated in the table.
If someone leads the gamer as described, the running round will be played to the end. Then the game ends.
Winning points on your chilisaucen are plus points.
Each chili card you still have on your hand or in the ingredient stack counts a minus point. The numerical values play no role here.
Who has the most points wins the Chilisaucen Cooking Competition! There are several winners in a match.