As the newest members of the Royal Monstrological Society, you will embark on an expedition to hunt for legendary monsters. This time they were seen in the clouds, in the deep sea and in the enchanted forest. Pick up your camps in these regions and go hunting. Improve your camps and utilize the capabilities of your monsters to return from your monster expedition with impressive creatures.
The starter begins, after which it continues in the clockwise direction. Once you're on the line, select your desired hunting area by activating it at the bottom.
Once you've made your choice, you'll get rid of your hunting by pressing the "diving button". This will give you all your available hunting cubes for this region plus the special cube of the area.
After your cubes have been thrown, you select a numerical value that you have diced to benefit (3). After you have made your choice, you confirm it with the "select button" and all the cubes with your chosen number go to your cube tray (4). You can only choose a cube value that you haven't placed in your store before. If you've run a cube that doesn't contain a number that you can still figure out, it's a fault and you'll have to "dispose" the highest cube you've already pulled out.
Now you can either:
If you have enough cubes collected in your edition, you can use the sum of these cubes (4) to hunt and claim one or more monsters from your current hunting area. You do this by selecting the monster or monsters and then activating the "Jagen button". Besides the outlying monsters, you can always buy cages at the monster dealer for 10 hunting points each. The hunting can only be successfully completed if you have enough hunting points for the selected monsters.
After you complete your hunting, your camps will be automatically upgraded according to your dice used. For example, your yellow camp will be improved for each one you put out. It also checks whether other cube values you use improve yours or the camps of your fellow players.
Whenever the active player acquires a cage from the monster dealer, or by a special function a cage steals, the current edition (1) is refilled to 9 cards and each newly designed card is marked with a symbol of the respective player and possibly still scores at the gaming end.
The game ends when no more cards are on the draw pile and the current round was played at the end.
Now each player gets the monsters in the edition (1) that possess the symbol of the corresponding player, as cages in their own collection.
It wins the player with most points, added from the captured monster values and the cages collected during the game (the cage value of a monster is rounded off half the value of a monster). With a balance, the player whose camps have the highest levels.
Every monster you catch brings some special skills. The most common skill is that of the "Symbiosis Partner"
Each monster with this ability can add an additional cube to your hunt with other monsters in symbiosis. For this you need a set of symbiosis partners in the three different colors (yellow, blue and green). A detailed view of the symbionts already collected can be found in your page view.
This special ability allows you to upgrade the specified camp, the corresponding number of you or a fellow player should be used for hunting. In this case, you will be upgraded by one step at each used 7 of your blue camp.
With this special skill the specified camp is upgraded, you or one of your fellow players should have made a mistake in his train. This upgrade is only active once a player's train.
Jagst You may successfully have a monster with this special ability You're stealing a cage from your fellow player. With two players, this is done automatically, if you want to play 3 or 4 players, you must select from whom you want to steal the cage by clicking on a fellow player.