With /join 2-5 players can enter the game. With /start the game begins. Alternatively, you can use the game management use.
Kingsburg is a cube game with tactical elements. Each player tries to expand the newly conquered province entrusted to him by the king and to protect him from the incoming enemies. For this, one tries to draw the royal advisors on his side and to insure their help.
The detailed original instructions can be used on the publishing page as pdf to be downloaded.
The game runs over five years. Each year is divided into eight phases. A season with an event phase always changes.
The player with the least buildings receives assistance from the king in the form of Additional cubes for the Spring phase.
If several players have equal numbers of buildings, the player receives the additional cube with the at least goods. If there is balance, all these players will receive a raw material according to choice and No Additional cubes.
Each production phase is divided into four steps:
After the dice, the train sequence is first determined: The player with the smallest number of eyes will starters, all others will follow according to their number of eyes. The king's light brown extra cubes count in the determination of the number of eyes. At the same time, the player gets the higher position that was already higher in the round before.
The newly identified starter can now first influence a consultant. For this purpose, it must use at least one or more of its cubes. The total number of dice used must be as large as the value of the consultant.
Click on the desired cubes, which then change their color to brown. At the same time, one or more green arrows show the selectable consultants. To select a consultant, simply click on it Number.
Here the player has selected all his cubes (6-6-4). It can thus influence the magician (16) or with the aid of the +2 marker the king (18). For example, it could have chosen only the 6 and the 4 and could therefore influence the host leader (10). After his fellow players were on the line, he could have chosen the alchemists with the other six.
Reihum now influences each player a consultant. Each consultant can only once again be influenced (exception: Messenger -> see Phase 5)!
Who doesn't want to influence or can click on Pass. Once you've been fit, this phase is over.
There are four factors that can change the influence:
If all players have played or matched all their cubes, the help of the consultants is now used. Beginning with the consultant 1 (Hofnarr), every consultant who was previously influenced offers his help by letting his property come to the good of the player.
Some properties are executed automatically, some consultants may choose raw materials:
If you travel with the mouse over a raw material, small, green arrows are displayed up and down. With these arrows you can browse the raw material selection. If you have set the desired combination, you will confirm this by clicking on the yellow arrow on the right side.
If all consultants have distributed their bonuses, each player may perform a construction activity (exception: Messenger -> see Phase 5) or fit. The raw materials specified in the building overview must be paid for construction. A neutral glass stone shows the possible buildings to be built, a glass stone of its own color which has already been built. The own raw materials are displayed as a help at the bottom of the building window.
At the beginning each building can be built in the first (left) column of a province (Standbild, Kneipe, Wachturm, Palisaden, Barrikade). In the later course, buildings can only be built directly to the right of buildings already built.
Thus, a church can only be built if a statue and a chapel were built before.
The properties of built buildings are now available to the player. The construction costs as well as points of victory and properties of the buildings are displayed by Mouseover.
The player with the most buildings obtained a victory point. At the same time, each party receives a victory point.
Summer is just like spring.
The King supports the player with the at least buildings by Shipped (Roter Pöppel with crown). At the same time, he receives the messenger who has fewer goods. If there is equality here, no messengers will be awarded in this round.
The Messenger may be the following three production phases: and has the following property:
If the Messenger is not used until the 5th phase of the next round, he goes back unused and will be forgiven.
Autumn also runs like spring.
All players can now recruit one or more soldiers for defense. For every soldier any goods to pay. As with consultants, the type and number of raw materials can be set with the small arrows. The number of soldiers recruited with these raw materials is always displayed on the right. The selection is also confirmed here with the small arrow on the right side.
Winter is unlike other seasons No Production phase. Now the enemies fall in. There are different types of enemies (goblins, demons, zombies, ...) in different battle strengths. The battle strength of the enemies increases with the course of the game. The exact distribution and a listing of all enemies are on the front.
The currently possible combat strength is indicated next to the season display. In this case, the combat strength can be between 4 and 6.
If a player has previously influenced an advisor with whom he could spy out the enemy (Heerführer (10) or Queen (17), he sees the enemy at this point. Mouseover also shows what you get when you win battle or lose when you lose battle.
Their own strength is composed of the soldiers recruited this year (see Heeresanzeige) and the defense of the built buildings. In addition, the king sends his own troops in the form of a cube for help. The cubed number of eyes is added to its own strength.
In the picture, the King's auxiliary troops are displayed at the bottom left, along with the support through buildings, to the right of which the number of soldiers. In this case, the player has a battle strength of 7, the enemy only has one of 5. The player wins the fight.
profit or loss Tributes are hostile and can be in the form of victory points, raw materials or building demolitions.
In this case, each player who won the fight will receive a stone. Each player who has lost the fight must give four gold and tear a building off.
If a building has to be removed in case of loss, the following rules apply:
Only existing raw materials must be released when raw materials are lost.
The player with the Highest combat strength receives a win point for the reward. But only if he won the battle. After that, all soldiers are sent back home, i.e. the army display is reset to zero for all players.
After the battle, the year is over. The annual counter returns a field forward and the next year begins again with phase 1.
The game ends after the battle in the fifth year. The winner is the player who was able to earn most winning points. At the same time, the number of goods remaining is decisive. If there is even balance, the player wins with most buildings. There are several winners.
In the two-person game special rules apply to the production phases (spring, summer, autumn). It is cubed with three cubes and the consultant, which corresponds to the sum of all cubes, is blocked for this phase. Then another two dice is diceed and another consultant is blocked. If the number of eyes of the second litter is identical to the number of eyes of the first litter, the two cubes are distributed to two consultants. If both cubes are the same, only one consultant is additionally blocked.
Special rule for the regional advancement to the German Team Championship in Brettspiel 2009:
In winter (campaign phase) the royal support is not created, but each player can ask a king's troops before the enemy card is uncovered. The king holds for each player six troops with 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 soldiers. Every winter, each player requests one of his soldiers' troops, who can only be used once for this winter.
At the end of the game, exactly one unsolicited troops remains for each player. The number of soldiers in the group is credited to the player as winning points.