With /join four or six players can join the game. With /start the game begins. alternative, you can use the Game Tool!
This page provides information on how to use the online interface. For more information you can download the original rules (in German) for Dog and Dog Royal as a PDF file.
Also for the Black Dog Veriante
Dog isn't simply an expanded version of "SORRY". The added twist of cards and playing in teams brings its own unique flair which will have you coming back again and again.
The game generally follows the idea of "Sorry" or similar parcheesi-like games: Each player tries to get his pieces out of his home and run them around the board until they finally reach their goal area. This, however, is a partnership game, with blue and yellow teaming up against green and red. While joining, the first two and the last two players joining will be put together as teams.
Cards are used instead of dice to move the pawns. In the first round each player gets six cards, in the subsequent rounds they get one card less, thus 5/4/3/2 cards each. They then start the round with 6 card each and so on. The starting player moves each round.
At the beginning of each round, each player swaps one card with his partner. To do this, you click on the desired card in the card indicator (1) on the left. Until all players have chosen cards to swap, the choices can still be revised. You can see which players have chosen their card already in the player dashboard (10).
Even it should be self evident in all games which do not specifically allow this: any kind of consultation between players, or exchanges which cards you have, want to have or want to be played is against the rules.
The cards are either blue number cards or red special cards. The blue cards simply indicate the number of spaces a piece is moved forward.
Basic rules for moving:
To move one of your pieces, you just pull the card you'd like to play onto the target piece (drag & drop). Whenever two pieces are close to each other, watch for the one that brightens when the card shrinks - that's your indication that it's the target piece.
To move a pawn from your home to the game board, you need one of the two start cards with a little arrow on it.
If you play one of these cards, you can move a piece from the start area to the starting space. On your own starting space, your piece is protected, no other piece can kick it out, leap over it or swap position with it - not even one of your own or your partner's.
If you can't - or don't want to - move a piece to the start space, you can use these cards for normal movement. The 13 allows you to move 13 spaces forward; the 11 allows you to move either 1 space or 11 spaces.
The exchange card allows a player to exchange one of their own with a piece of a another player, either partner or opponent. Pieces in their start areas, goal areas or on their starting spaces after leaving home may Not applicable be exchanged.
+/-4 is the only card which allows backward movement. This can come in handy, for example, when you're standing on the starting space. You can move your piece backward and in the next round, if you have the right cards, move it forward into your goal area. When you play the card, you get a choice to either move 4 spaces forward or backward.
With the 7, you may divide the movement points among several of your own pieces. You can for example decide to move 2 spaces with one piece, 4 with another and 1 with a third. You have to use up all 7 points. Exception: If you use a 7 to move your last piece into your home column, you can use the leftover points to help your partner. (See END OF THE GAME.)
Another feature of this card is that it "burns" pieces that are leapt over. They are punished to their home areas - even if they are your own.
The wild card can be used instead of any other card - for example as a starting card.
To play the wild card, simply click on it. A selection of the available cards opens and you can click on the desired card in order to drag it to the piece normally.
When a pawn has gone round the board (or is close to home after having used special cards like the exchange card or the 4), the following points should be considered:
If a player is unable to move any piece, he has to discard all his cards and pass for the rest of the round.
If a player has moved all four pieces into his goal, he uses cards his to help his partner. On his turn, he moves one of his partner's pieces normally, using his own cards. The game ends when one team has reached the respective goals with all eight pieces.
With this option you can Black Dog play. For Black Dog, the basic game rules apply with the following changes:
With the 5 and the 6, one of its pairs 5 and 6 fields. After that, the BlackDog draws 5 or 6 fields and "freezes" all the figures on which it passes, or lands on it.
with the 1-7 a To move between one and seven fields. Jumping poplars become not beaten. He then pulls the Black Dog the same number of fields.
The copy card copies the previously played card. The copy card can not be played as the first card in a round.
The magnet card pulls a pawn to the space directly behind the next pawn on the board. The magnet cannot be used to pull a pawn into the goal area.
With the 4 you cannot move backwards here, but you can divide the 4 points as desired and also with the Pöppeln of the partner draw. After a player has all 4 pairs in the target, the players of this team are allowed the 4 points of movement both on their own and on their own. on the Pöppel of the opponents split (also complete).
The complete Black Dog Rule can be found on the page of the Schmidt Verlag: Black Dog Rules
With this option you can play the game Doge. The rules of the basic game apply, with the following changes:
When a pawn lands on a special space, the player immediately gains an additional card, unless it got there by using the exchange card or the special ability of the citizen.
King: The king can only be captured by another king (unless the king is standing on another player's starting space, then it can be beaten by any pawn of the other player).
The king may only be moved with cards of value 1 to 7, an exchange card, or a magnet card. However, it can be taken out of the home area with either 13 or 1/11.
Knight: The Knight is the only pawn that may move pasture your own or other players' blocked start spaces, provided he respects rank.
Citizen: When the citizen lands on a special space he the , after drawing a card, jump to the next Income special space. For this jump it does not need to observe rules or blocked starting spaces.
Jester: The jester may, when moving to the goal area, forfeit up to 2 points of the played card's value.
With 10 and 4 you can pass another pawn, even when the ranks do not have normally allow it.
With the 1-7 card, a pawn may move between one and seven spaces. Other pawns that it passes during this move are not captured.
The copy card copies the previously played card. The copy card can not be played as the first card in a round.
The magnet card pulls a pawn to the space directly behind the next pawn on the board. The magnet cannot be used to pull a pawn into the goal area.